Year 4
Welcome to our Year 4 class page! This is where you will find information about our class routines and our learning themes. Keep checking back for news!
About Us
Our Year 4 teachers are Miss Britchford (4B), and Miss Murray and Mr Collins (4CM). Miss Britchford is Phase Leader for LKS2 and Music Leader, Miss Murray is MFL Leader, and Mr Collins is PE and Outdoor Learning Leader. Our teaching assistants are Mrs S Butt, Mrs Dargan and Mrs Seedat (HLTA).
Class Rules
Our Learning
Year 4 Ribble Rivers Day
At the beginning of March the children and staff from Year 4 went to Towneley Park in Burnley to take part in a Ribble Rivers Day. We split into groups and some of us started with a riverside investigation. We got into the river and collected samples of all the minibeasts and invertebrates that live on the river bed. We used keys to sort them and magnifying glasses to take a closer look. Inside the Towneley Hall building we did a water table activity, considering the effect of farming and flood defences on erosion and the river flow. We had a great day and learnt a lot about rivers and everything that lives in them.