Year 6
Welcome to our Year 6 class page! This is where you will find information about our class routines and our learning themes. Keep checking back for news!
About Us
Our Year 6 teachers are Mrs Entwisle (6E) and Miss White (6W). Miss White is Maths Leader and Assistant Headteacher for UKS2, and Mrs Entwisle is Computing Leader. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Hutchinson (HLTA) and Mrs Nazakat and Mrs Butt.
Class Rules
Our Learning
Last term our science topic was all about Light. In our final lesson we used the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.
To do this we created our own Shadow puppet shows. Working in groups we made our own puppets, wrote our script and used a bright light source to cast the shadows onto a blank surface.
Enjoy our shows:
Godly Play
Hand to Mouth came to visit Year 6. We were taught a Godly Play session where we listened to a story from the Bible and responded to it in different ways. We then learnt how to take a session ourselves so we are able to share these stories with other year groups throughout this year.
It was a FUN day!
Viva Mexico!
We had the best day on the 2nd October celebrating our learning of Mexican Festivals. We all dressed up in either Mexican flag colours or like a skeleton as they do on the Day of the Dead. Throughout the day, we learnt how to make salsa and guacamole. Miss Britchford made a special appearance and came to judge the food. We made it very difficult for her as it all looked and tasted amazing!
Tongue Twisters
As part of our homework this half term, we have been learning some tongue twisters. We had great fun trying to recite them in class. Listen to them below.
Reading in 6W
6W had lots of fun thinking about WHERE they like to read and the POSITIONS they would like to read in. Miss White thinks they’ve all gone a little bit crazy…hee…hee!
Where do you like to read?