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Heaton St Barnabas’
C of E (VA) Primary School

Rossefield Road, Heaton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD9 4DA

Tel: 01274 545019 | Fax: 01274 553910 | Headteacher: Mrs D Smith

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Year 6 Online Learning

Please see the following information below to access online work for Tuesday 7th January.

Hi 6W and 6E, Mrs Entwisle and I are at home checking your online learning. Thank you to those children that had a go at the tasks we set yesterday. We have set some more for today.

Introducing Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes – Year 6 can start our unit on Extreme Earth by taking part in the first two lessons of this online. We will discuss what they’ve found out when we’re back at school on Wednesday 8th January.


Then log onto LBQ and complete the three tasks I have set.


6E – 8T6N

Then log onto Prodigy and complete the assignments.

Join the TTRS battles today between 10.00 – 11.00 & 14.00 – 15.00

Have fun and we will see you tomorrow!

Miss White & Mrs Entwisle

Please see the following information below to access online work for Friday 10th January.

Hi 6W and 6E, Mrs Entwisle and I are at home checking your online learning. Thank you to those children that had a go at the tasks this week. We have set some more for today.

1. Introducing Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes – Year 6 can complete the activities on these PPTs. Thank you to the children that have beens sending work into the school website for us to look at.

Click here for link

2. Log onto LBQ and complete the three tasks I have set

6W – R8DY

6E – 8SNS

3. Log onto Prodigy and complete the assignments.

4. Join the TTRS battles today between 10.00 – 11.00 & 14.00 – 15.00

5. Miss Hutchinson has sent some computing work for you to have a look at here

In computing we will be writing our own radio plays during our computing lessons. Look at the ones on the link as good examples. Choose two and makes notes on the features you like. Pay particular attention to the voices and sound effects. What do you like? What could be improved?

Have fun and we will hopefully see you on Monday.

Miss White, Mrs Entwisle and Mrs Hutchinson

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