Year Four Week 9
Week 9 – 26.5.2020
Hello to you all again,
Firstly, we hope that you all had a super bank holiday weekend and that those of you celebrating Eid had a lovely time with your close family. Mrs Day really enjoyed speaking to some of you and your family before wishing you all the best for your celebrations.
This week is what should be half term so our activities are a little different. We thought that it would be nice to give you a list of hands on learning activities that you can pick and choose which ones you want to do similar to the lists we normally set for homework.
Think about work completed from Oak National Academy on Henry VIII. You could:
- Research the lives of the rich and poor in the time of Henry VIII and make a presentation showing your learning.
- Find out about where Henry VIII’s wives came from.
- Research the food that people ate in the time of Henry VIII and make an item of food that they might have eaten in those times.
- See if you can find out about eating manners around this time. These were very important and many still stand today.
- Henry VIII was one of the Tudor Monarch’s (Kings and Queens). Who were the others? Make a timeline.
- Make or draw a castle using a range of things that you have at home. Think about how the castle would be kept safe from invaders and the rooms that they would have inside.
- Portraits were often painted of Henry VIII. Find out about the artists who painted him during his life and have a go at your own portrait of Henry VIII.
- Find out about Henry VIII’s pastimes (including tennis, speaking Spanish, playing instruments and singing) and have a go at some of the things that he enjoyed.
- Find out about and make a Tudor rose.
- Make up a Tudor Quiz that we can share with others.
Thinking about your faith:
- Make a presentation, poster, film or similar about why your faith is important to you reflecting on what you learn from the activities you do related to your faith.
Outdoor and indoor activities:
- On your walk do a scavenger hunt taking photos and make a Picollage of your walk.
- Do some baking or cooking at home and make a film or photo timeline of what you made.
- Set up a sports activity session in your garden.
- Go for a walk and make a map of where you went and what you saw.
- Have a relaxing pamper session at home.
- Help with the cooking and base a meal around a theme e.g. American diner, Spanish tapas, Italia homemade Pizzas.
- Plant some seeds and watch them grow. Take photos as they are growing to watch the changes.
In addition to this there is a range of work that has been set on Purple Mash and MyMaths that you can complete. Please look at the tasks that have been set by us and complete those. It has been really good to see a few more of you accessing this at home, we enjoy seeing how you have done with this!
- Activities around money
Purple Mash:
- Spellings activities
- Recycling poster
- Newspaper article
WELL DONE to Ana, Sami and Maleekah in 4D and Eliza in 4HM – we have enjoyed reading your online writing. Additionally, there are some Anglo-Saxon tasks which we think you would enjoy. We can’t wait to see your work!
- Try some fun science experiments at home this week using We would recommend you having a go at the Racing Rockets and Super Spinners activities. These challenges can easily be done with younger (or older!) brothers and sisters, so why don’t you all have a go? Mrs Mason and her family had great fun with these last week and tested them outside, making the most of the lovely weather.
Remember to let us know how you get on and PLEASE, PLEASE email photos to your teacher or We can’t wait to see how you do!
Take care and we are looking forward to seeing pictures and presentations of the work that you complete.
Mrs Horsley, Mrs Mason and Mrs Day.