Year Six Home Learning w.c 08.02.2021
Blue Group: English
Blue Group: Maths
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Maths
- Reading
- Writing
- Art
- Maths
- Writing
- Art
- Add colour, preferably in coloured pen or fine-nibbed felt tips, to your drawing from Monday.
- Reading
- Maths
- Art
- Drawing Manga 2 – Shonen & Dark
- Choose one of the two tutorials and draw a Dark Fantasy or a Shonen Realism Manga character.
- Spanish
- Reading
- Maths
- Writing
- Art
- Add colour, preferably in coloured pen or fine-nibbed felt tips, to your drawing from Wednesday.
- Drama
- Reading
- Today we are using a BBC Bitesize lesson to practise key reading skills. This lesson uses extracts from The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken.
- This lesson focuses on practising the skills of:
- Skimming and scanning (quick reading skills)
- Looking closely at dialogue to be able to say what characters are like
- Developing and expressing our own opinions about a text.
- Click here, read the lesson text, watch the video clips and complete the written activities.
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